
Terms & Conditions

Privacy Policy

policy underline

At Greenpeace Greece we believe that you have a fundamental right to privacy on the web and we work to secure your browsing experience on our website.

This policy applies to all web pages hosted by Greenpeace Greece on the website or, and the offline information stored there. It does not apply to websites hosted by other organizations with a different website or by other national or regional Greenpeace organizations (NROs) with which a link may be made and which may have a different policy. If you visit these websites, you are advised to read their own privacy policy.

Greenpeace Greece is in agreement with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority and is the exclusive administrator of your personal data and the data of visitors of the website. We process the personal data of users in order to inform them about the work of the organization, to fulfill contractual obligations of the organization and to process donations. Greenpeace Greece may use your personal data to inform you about new developments, actions, events or to participate in online protests through messages/emails.

Note: If you provide your personal data to Greenpeace Greece as part of an online protest or action against a government, company, organization or individual, this data may be transferred from Greenpeace Greece to the recipient of the protest and you may receive a response message from that recipient.

If you subscribe to a Greenpeace Greece mailing list, Greenpeace Greece will send you updates on projects you are taking part in and other campaigns and information from the organization. If at any time you wish to unsubscribe from our mailing list, you can do so using the unsubscribe link that appears at the bottom of all emails you receive from Greenpeace Greece.

Greenpeace Greece does not sell or rent contact lists with your personal data to third parties. Greenpeace Greece may share contact lists with other Greenpeace NROs only when deemed necessary to inform and mobilize specific populations in Greece, in order to achieve campaign goals or to raise funds to finance our actions. Although the fastest and most environmentally friendly way to communicate is by email, your email address will only be actively used by other Greenpeace NROs if you have given your consent. Even if you have given your consent, you can always unsubscribe from a newsletter list by using the unsubscribe link option that appears at the bottom of all emails you receive from all Greenpeace NROs.

Greenpeace Greece keeps some records of personal data of individuals, in case they contact us in order to be informed about our projects in the future.

Our website is hosted by a variety of servers. Our website software collects information about the date and time which it was accessed and can track the user’s mobility while browsing the website. Greenpeace Greece may use this information to improve the performance of the website and to estimate traffic statistics. This website uses Google Analytics, an online statistical service offered by Google Inc. (“Google”). The Google Analytics service uses “cookies”. A “cookie” is an infinitesimal piece of data that our website can send to your browser and that can be stored on your hard drive. The information generated by “cookies” about your browsing on our website (including your IP address) is transferred to and stored by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Inc. uses this information to evaluate how you use the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and usage. Google Inc. may transfer this information to third parties if it is legally obliged to do so. Google Inc. may combine your IP address with any other data stored by Google Inc. By visiting this website, you consent to the processing of your personal data by Google in the manner and for the purposes described above.

Our website also uses “cookies” to optimize certain user options, to facilitate registered users to comment and complete online actions without having to re-enter their personal data.

You can enable the option to be notified by your browser each time you receive a “cookie” or disable “cookies”. With this option, the website may not be fully responsive. You can find specific information via the links below regarding the most common browsers through which users visit the Greenpeace Greece websit:

Choose which “cookies” you want to store:

Cookies related to user experience. Always enabled

These cookies give you a better user experience on our website. You can hide the cookie acceptance banner and use the site’s features more efficiently. Not accepting these cookies will give you a cookie-free experience.

Performance cookies

These cookies help to improve the performance of They are set to collect data such as how long users stay on a page or which links they click on. This helps us to improve content based on your experience as you browse our website. Most web browsers allow you to control cookies through your browser settings (e.g. new cookie notifications, disable cookies and delete cookies). Choose your browser type below to go directly to your browser’s user guide and learn how to disable or delete cookies.

Cookies και Microsoft Edge. See here

Cookies και Google Chrome. See here

Cookies και Opera. See here

Cookies και Firefox. See here

Cookies και Safari. See here

Greenpeace Greece has implemented appropriate technical and regulatory measures to safeguard your personal data from loss or any form of unlawful processing. For the above reasons, our financial support website secures your support data via credit card or account number using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security protocol. This protocol ensures the security of internet communications in such a way that prevents the theft, falsification or deletion of data. As long as you are on a secure page, such as the one we provide for making a donation to Greenpeace Greece, your browser should inform you that you are on a secure website.

As Greenpeace Greece uses the SSL protocol to protect sensitive personal data online, Greenpeace Greece also protects all your personal data offline. All your personal data, not only sensitive data such as your credit card number, is inaccessible.

Greenpeace Greece that needs these data for specific tasks (such as the Supporters’ Officer) has access to these data. In addition, there is a possibility that Greenpeace Greece may disclose and give access to the information you provided to our suppliers and contractors who perform services on our behalf. However, these suppliers and contractors are not permitted to use this information for any purpose other than to provide services to Greenpeace Greece. Finally, in the event that your information needs to be given access to suppliers or contractors located in countries outside the European Economic Area, we will ensure that the same level of protection of your information is applied as the one offered by us.

If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data or want to know which personal data is stored, you may contact Greenpeace Greece at

By completing your registration either as a user of our website or as a supporter, you accept this privacy policy and authorize Greenpeace Greece to collect, store and process your data in the ways described above and for the purposes for which you provide it.

The Privacy Policy of Greenpeace Greece is amended regularly. If you have any questions about this policy, you can contact us at (+30) 210 3840774 & 5 (Fax 210 3804008) or email us at


copyright underline

At Greenpeace we encourage the reproduction and sharing of our materials and electronic assets. However, their use is subject to certain conditions that are important for you to be aware of.

Intellectual property rights

The material displayed on our website may be used freely for personal or educational purposes. If you want to use a screenshot or picture from our website in a book or if you want to reproduce an article in your community newsletter, you do not need to ask our permission, provided you have read and follow our ground rules.

We strictly prohibit the use of any Greenpeace material on this website, including our name and logo, in the following circumstances:

  • For personal or corporate profit unless authorised under the above criteria.

  • As part of a political party campaign or to imply that Greenpeace supports a candidate for any public office.

  • To imply that Greenpeace supports a product or policy without Greenpeace itself having communicated any such support.

  • To imply that Greenpeace supports or is associated with websites that Greenpeace, in its sole discretion, considers illegal or unacceptable, including obscene, violent, indecent or defamatory material or material of a sexual nature.

  • If you falsely identify yourself as a regional organization, employee, officer or official representative of Greenpeace or if you falsely give the impression that you are collecting money or donations on behalf of Greenpeace

Creation of links to our website

We are very pleased when you create links that lead to our website and share our environmental campaigns. Feel free to create links that lead to either our homepage or any other secondary page.

Greenpeace logo

The name “Greenpeace”, including the Greenpeace logo, is an internationally registered trademark owned by the legal entity Stichting Greenpeace Council. Use of this trademark is permitted under the following conditions:

  • It will be used strictly for reference and not for commercial purposes.
  • The name and/or logo will not be used in a manner that implies that Greenpeace endorses, approves, sponsors or is associated with any products, services or goods available on your website.
  • Promotional frames bearing the name and/or logo will only be used to create links leading to the Greenpeace website as specified in the link, and these links must always be active.
  • The name and/or logo will not be combined with any other graphic elements, will not be altered in any way including colours, font, design, layout or any other elements, will not become animated, and their appearance will not be modified in any other way.
  • The name and/or logo will not be more prominent than the name of your website.

If you do use our logo, please add the phrase “Trademark of Stichting Greenpeace Council” so that it is clearly displayed on the page.

The trademark remains the exclusive property of Greenpeace International and by using it, you agree that you will not in any way register or attempt to register it as a trademark or challenge its current registration.

Articles and texts

The articles and texts produced by Greenpeace Greece may be freely used for personal or educational purposes. Please add a note stating “Source: Greenpeace Greece (website)” and reproduce any caption or copyright information that appears on the original materia.

Articles and texts from third parties remain the intellectual property of these sources, from which permission for their reproduction must be requested.


When a photo’s copyright information is not listed either as an accompanying caption or within the photo itself, you can view this information by right-clicking on the image and selecting “Inspect” or “View Info”.

© = All rights are owned by the person(s) or entity(ies) indicated. Here you can find more information about the other symbols and licenses used, as well as the rights that govern them.

To access downloadable photos and for any other questions about licensing and copyright please go to

Any commercial use of any Greenpeace image without permission is a copyright infringement and may infringe further rights.

Reproduction-quality news images distributed by Greenpeace Greece to journalists and agencies are intended for use within fourteen days and their archiving or resale is strictly prohibited. Upon expiry of fourteen days please contact us for licensing.


The use of video is governed by the same terms as the above material. However, please note that some of our videos are not available for download.


Greenpeace consists of Greenpeace International and 25 national and regional Greenpeace organizations, all of which are separate and independent entities.

The content of each section and subsection of the page is published and managed by the relevant entity. The pages whose electronic address starts from are under the editorial control of Greenpeace Greece. For questions, comments or other remarks, please contact the responsible entity Greenpeace Greece ( You can see at the top of each page in which section you are in.

For convenience reasons, we may refer to “Greenpeace” on this website when referring to either Greenpeace International or some of the national or regional Greenpeace organizations. In addition, the phrases “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used for convenience reasons to refer to other entities belonging to the Greenpeace network, their staff, activists and volunteers.

Other terms of use

terms underline

They describe the ways you can use our webpage to communicate with people with the same concerns.

At Greenpeace we are fighting for a green and peaceful planet and one of the most important tools in this fight is simple, open and honest communication.

We believe that everyone deserves a chance to express their views, in the hope that we can find common ground. We are constantly trying to find a consensus that allows us all to create a better future together.